Solitary Islands Marine Park Resort, Wooli NSW
We would like to say a Big Thank You to our friends Oscar the Pirate, Dora the Explorer and Chadd The kids magician gold coast (and his animal friends),
WOW! Totally amazing. Our guests had so much fun and the kids absolutely loved every second. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! We can't wait for you guys to come back soon - Please! ♥Anita Pauline, Gold Coast magic customer
Arita Pauline - THANK YOU! Absolutely amazed! Every one commented on how AMAZING the magic show was! Thank you again, I cannot stoptelling everyone
about "The Magic Castle" the kids were beyond happy, as were the teachers and myself. A++++++++++. Highest recommendations - THE MAGIC CASTLE Gold Coast ROCKS!!!!!!! :) :)Roxanne McCreedy, Gold Coast magic customer
Thanks for the awesome kids magic show for our daughters birthday party!! The kids (and the adults) were very impressed and all had a fantastic day, thanks again for coming out in a moments notice ; )
Vanessa Gleeson, Gold Coast magic customer
Thank you very much for your amazing children’s entertainment services. Your professionalism and 'can do' attitude is second to none; this is particularly
so in light of the tight timeframe you had to work in. The kids all thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon. I am still receiving positive feedback!We were also pleased with your attention to detail. You delivered to an outstanding level and again, we say a very big THANKS.